2017-2020 Ewha Womans University, MFA Painting
2013-2017 Ewha Womans University, BFA Painting
2021. 6.9-7.11 < Guilty Pleasure >, Ewha Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2021. 1.13-2.1 < J's Counterattack >, Gallery MEME, Seoul. Korea
2020. 7.1-7.5 < Eye Trick I >, Palais de seoul, Seoul, Korea
2018. 7. 5-7-18 < Faking Sculpture >, Art Space O gallery, Seoul, Korea
2017. 9. 12 - 21 < Something to do >, Se:ro gallery, Seoul, Korea
2021. 6.10-6.23 < Disappeared Sense : Missing, Montage, Pantom >, Gallery 175, Seoul, Korea
2020. 9.22-10.31 < Media, Configuration Setting >, Seongbuk N Artist Program, SeongBuk Young ArtSpace, Seoul, Korea
8.07-20 < Sparkling disturbance >, Openspace Bae, Busan, Korea
4.22-5.3 < Concrete skin >, Artspace 의식주, Seoul, Korea
3.17-24 < 3th ZERO BASE >, Auction, Seoul, Korea
2019. 7.10-14 < 10th Seoul Modern Art Show >, AT center, Seoul, Korea
3.28-4.1 Harborcity Marcopolo HotelArtFair, Hongkong
2018. 7. 31-8.6 < Like the flowing air, like the moving wind. >, UJung Artcenter, Seoul, Korea
2017. 10. 11-10. 22 < The edge of the metaphor >, kimsechoong Museum, Seoul, Korea
6. 20-30 < How to be a great artist >, SeWoonplaza, Seoul, Korea
5. 26-31 < Seoul Art-Mining >, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
1. 31-2. 10 < On the paper that I spit out >, Union gallery, Seoul, Korea
2021 < SEARCH > Seoul Foundation Art Center, Fund selection
2021 < Danwon Art Festival > ANSAN Art Center
2021 < Samgaksan Art LAB > Seoulcitizenshall Young Artist
2021 Korea National University of Arts Artist, Gallery 175
2020 Openspace Bae Incubating Program
2020 Seongbuk N Artist Program